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LongCovidSOS film on CNN


Updated: Aug 7, 2020

We’re delighted to announce that CNN has become the latest network to feature our Message in a Bottle film. We’re elated #LongCovid is gaining international recognition. Click on the image below for the full article.

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4 comentarios

Miembro desconocido
24 oct 2020

More needs to be done on the research to do with Long Co-vid, I still have symptoms and lasting effects after 4 weeks out of hospital, was in high dependency for 3 days and nights on oxygen and I consider myself to be very lucky. There are people out there with far worse situations.

Me gusta

Miembro desconocido
21 oct 2020

Good news that Long Covid is being recognised. Was not aware of this until I

watched the 10 o'clock news this evening.

Me gusta

Miembro desconocido
06 ago 2020

Hello so good to hear about all the fantastic work you are doing

Me gusta
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